In 2006, the Wine Grape Industry supported the formation of the BC Wine Grape Council through a plebiscite that was approved with a majority 83% of participating growers located on the British Columbia Mainland. The plebiscite was supported by the Minister of Agriculture and Lands, ultimately creating the Council under the Farming & Fisheries Act of British Columbia. The Council collects levies, primarily for the purpose of research, on all grapes grown on Mainland British Columbia.
Our mission is to promote the development of a strong and viable wine grape industry that will result in the production of world-class wines and that will enhance the economic and environmental benefits to British Columbia. To pursue this goal, our organization coordinates, facilitates, and funds research and education on viticulture and enology to broadly benefit the British Columbia wine grape industry and to represent growers on a variety of agriculture-related issues.
QUICK LINKS ( for a Full List of Links please contact the BC Wine Grape Council [email protected] )
Recovery from Climate Related Events Webinar-January 22
BCGA Pruning Workshop in Oliver-January 27, 10:00 – 2:30