
Who We Are

The British Columbia Wine Authority, or BCWA, is the designated body in the Province of British Columbia that has the responsibility of managing and enforcing the system of wine standards established under the Province’s “Wines of Marked Quality Regulation (the Regulation)”. The Wine Authority oversees the BC Vintners Quality Alliance program, ensuring that wines produced across BC are of marked quality, meet the labeling regulations, and use the correct geographical indicators for wines made from grapes in the different regions of our province.

We provide assurance to consumers of qualifying BC wines that the wine they have purchased is made from 100 percent BC grapes, is free from certain potential faults, and the labels on the wines comply with the Regulation — including where the grapes are grown and the wine is produced.  This is verified through the BC VQA program and Inspections.

Truth in labelling ensures that BC wine drinkers, whether they are enjoying their first bottle of BC wine or have been an enthusiast for years, know where their wine comes from, including discovering and learning about the unique regional (geographical indicators, and sub geographical indicators) terroirs identified in the Province.  All labels are reviewed and approved by the BCWA for compliance with the Regulation.

What We Do

What is the BC VQA program

In short, BC VQA stands for “British Columbia Vintners Quality Alliance”. The BC VQA program is an appellation of origin system, similar to the AOC and DOC systems utilized in France and Italy respectively, and it guarantees origin and ensures that qualifying wines meet certain minimum quality requirements.

The BC VQA program can trace its origins back to Ontario where wine producers came together and formed the Vintners Quality Alliance, or VQA, and implemented an industry-operated system under the VQA appellation. This program was then brought to BC in 1990, and in August 2005 after extensive industry consultation, the Province took over responsibility for administration of the BC appellation system by bringing into force the Wines of Marked Quality Regulation, and creating the “BC VQA” appellation of origin.

Responsibility for enforcement of the Regulation and operation of the appellation system was delegated by the Province to the British Columbia Wine Authority. From this point forward, qualifying BC wines are only permitted to utilize the term “BC VQA”.

While the BC and Ontario appellation systems share the same origin and do remain generally similar, they have evolved in different ways, represent different provincial standards, and are overseen by two completely different regulatory bodies which have no formal affiliation to one another.

Currently, more than 200 wineries participate in the BCVQA program, representing approximately 90 percent of all licensed grape wineries in the BC, which is over 95 percent of all wine produced in the Province.

Certain prescribed terms are restricted under the Regulation for use only with the BC VQA program, including Icewine, Meritage, and any of the geographical indicators prescribed in the Regulation.


The Wines of Marked Quality Regulation requires that the BCWA ensures compliance with the regulations through winery verification audits.

Every year member wineries, wines, warehousing, vineyards, tasting rooms and other retail liquor outlets are randomly chosen for inspection.

The wine review includes confirmation of wine varietal components, lab analysis, identification of grape origin, wine production capabilities, production volumes, sales, inventories, marketing and truth in labeling through support documentation, interviews, onsite verification, and physical

Should you have questions about BCWA Inspections please contact our office.

Why join us

If you own or are starting a winery in British Columbia, consider joining the British Columbia Wine Authority (BCWA). As a member, you gain the privilege to use recognized geographical indicators on your labels, like “Okanagan Valley” or “Naramata Bench,” and participate in the renowned BC VQA program, enhancing your wine’s market presence and ensuring it meets high quality standards. Membership also includes voting rights on industry issues, a role in shaping the Wines of Marked Quality program, and access to exclusive member services. Whether you are an established vintner or new to the industry, BCWA offers resources and a community to support your success.




The BC Wine Authority maintains a group of approximately 24 expertly trained Taste Test Assessors from a variety of backgrounds, including sommeliers, sensory flavourists, fruit winemakers, government and private liquor stores staff, individuals with direct past wine industry involvement, as well as having previous wine training such as the WSET courses or Okanagan College Winery Assistant Certificate or Viticulture programs. Each individual has successfully completed the BCWA four-day sensory fault training workshop and two apprentice sessions. Each Assessor is re-certified every two years. To join this team, please contact Lorrie Zander directly.


The BCWA maintains a Wine Industry Advisory Committee representing wineries of different sizes, and different regions, reflecting the diversity in wineries and wine production. The members of the WIAC are voted on by our members at the BCWA annual general meeting. All voting members are entitled to vote for one of the groups to which that member belongs.

This Committee determines a slate of independent directors for our board, acts as a liaison between the province’s wine industry and our Board of Directors, and recommends amendments to the Regulation.


Okanagan & Similkameen Valleys

(GI or Small-under 250 tons):

Kathy Malone, Hillside Winery

250-493-6274 ext: 112

[email protected]

Alison Moyes, Solvero Winery


[email protected]

Large Wineries

(over 1,250 tons):

Derek Kontkanen, Arterra Wines Canada


[email protected]

Mid-Sized Wineries

(250 to 1,250 tons):

Mark Hopley, Hester Creek

250-498-4438 ext:208

[email protected]

Fraser Valley & Other

(=GI or Sm. under-250 tons):

Galen Barnhardt, Monte Creek Ranch Winery


[email protected]

Vancouver & Gulf Islands

Dan Wright, Unsworth Vineyards & Winery


[email protected]




The earliest record of wine grapes being planted in BC is 1907.

Currently about 11,000.

Currently about 200.

BC VQA panels run about every two weeks anywhere from one to four sessions or up to 55 wines/session. For more information please see “What is BC VQA?”

The BCWA sends LDB an approval list of certified BC VQA products about every two weeks on the Friday before noon. Wineries can follow up directly with LDB. For more information please see “Industry Resources – LDB”

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